Hello, everyone!
You may have heard… and if not, you’re hearing now… but the first in my newest Silver Girl series, Ink Slick Preamble, is now available!

Poetic License, a fun little term to retool for a story, is now available on both Smashwords and Amazon!
This is a fun little story that follows quite close behind The Argentum Project in terms of continuity. While The Adventures of Silver Girl and Silver Eclipse had a bit of a gap, this is closer o the one between Silver Eclipse and The Memory Remains… if not precisely the same. We’re going to see new sides to familiar characters, as well as introduce some fun new ones…
A series of corruption, lust, desire, and possibly even romance along with slick, dripping-with-sin erotic mind control!
The seven stories of this preamble are the setup for my award winning novel from 2007, now made sexier, more intense, more erotic, and naturally longer than it was when it won that award. If you want to see why I call myself an award winning author? This is what leads up to that point!
People newer to the series would be best advised staring at another point, such as Nocturnal Interlude (also on Smash or Amazon) or the original, The Adventures of Silver Girl (on Smash or Amazon!) but regardless, this is a series I’ve been eager to redebut for a long time, so I hope you all enjoy…!
Over on another angle, while ROM and the EMCSA this week will be getting a fun new series, Inner Daemon (which you can already read on my Patreon!) Patreon will be getting a glimpse of a new heroine in Midas City, well… new to the written word. She’s experienced, but is she ready for what’s to come? The first part of Lightstorm in a Bottle hits on Friday! Don’t miss out!
But that’s all I have to tease you with this week. There’s SO much on the horizon… 2021 may not have solved the problems of 2020? But it’s starting off with some fun, sexy new things from me!
Until next time?
Take care of yourselves, and each other!