So Far In Over Her Head!

Hello again, everyone!

Out this week is the second new tale in the Silver Girl series for some time, and the second part of To Patrol and Control!

In Over her Head available now!
In Over her Head available now!

You can pick up a copy on Smashwords, or on Amazon and see a little more of things to come!

If you’d like to be prepared for part three of the series, you can preorder it on Amazon, or add it to your library on Smashwords!

While it would be really nice to have a kitchen that wasn’t being worked on every weekday, I am settling in to my New England lifestyle! I even procured a new rotating monitor, so I can work on stories in portrait mode! You’d be surprised what a difference that makes. It really makes things feel… properly designed for working on text documents? I can’t wait to use it more for that purpose.

I recently nabbed up the A. Regina Cantatis stories I didn’t own, and Dark Spaces: An Anthology comes highly recommended. When she went by thrall on the archive her work was great. Love in a Silver Socket is worth it alone. The story I read from the bunch while in an airplane was What Happens in Decon, which I think you’ll enjoy if you enjoy my work. It’s sincerely a steal to get so many great stories for so cheap.

This weekend Patreon, ROM, and the EMCSA are all getting more sex ninjas. It’s a a longer story, and My Patreon Supporters at the $10+ mark alreeady have the lot of it.. So this month they’ll be getting Lighting the Way Down,a  story about a sexy mermaid being lured by something bright, shining… and mesmerizing. That’ll be another two weeks before everyone else gets to see it. Jealous? You should be! Any and all support is naturally appreciated, but you get more, sooner, if you fork out the dough!

If you’d like to chat with me, or other fans of my work, you are always welcome to the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord! We’d all be happy to have you!

That’s me for this week! Until next time, take care of yourselves… and each other!

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