To Serve and Anticipate

Hello again, everyone!

I hope that you’re all doing well! it’s February, and that means it’s my birthday soon! It’s also the birthday of one of my editrixes soon, so you should all wish her a very happy birthday in advance–she’ll be one whole year older before my next blog post!

This is also the month of Valentines, so might I make a recommendation for some of my more romantic stories to savor?

Romancing Roses

The Romancing Roses series is three stories, Rose Petals, Rose Miracles, and Rose Rejuvenation. All three are tales of romance, with a distinct rose scent.

Mommy’s Piano Lessons is an overwhelmingly consensual example of hypnotic romance grounded very much in reality.

Molded is an unusual romance story, one involving alien goo, but two lovers are reunited and I think that’s just lovely. Fairly certain you’ll agree!

Latex Sex Kitten: Reyna’s Adventures in Hypnotic Submission is a tale of lovers engaging in some hypnotic latex-and-pet play fun, so if any of that strikes your fancy? Take a look!

Halloween might have been over in October (or January, if you’re a Bojack Horseman fan) but I have Possession, a ghost romance that’s sure to give you the good chills.

Lastly, it’s a story written for Yule, but Gift of the Sorceress is a classic in my catalog for a reason. Is there still conflict and drama? Oh yes. There’s just a lot of sweet, cutesy romance so if you’re in the mood for snugging up in sweaters? This may still hit the spot.

That’s my recommendations for things to keep you busy while you wait for next Tuesday and the release of the final volume of To Serve and Obey! By the way, if you want to be amongst the first to get your hands on Volume 6: Consensuality and Consequences? You can add it to your library on Smashwords, or preorder on Amazon!

But that’s not all that’s up my sleeve, either!

Tomorrow, my $5 patrons get to read Part 2 of my latest exciting spy story! $10 patrons get to see the conclusion… and my $15 patrons get to see a story of a mind control erotica authoress returning home for a very lovely reunion. If any of that sounds fun, and you’d like to read my patron-only weekly blog posts?

Check out my patreon!

Every bit of money I get there helps me with the costs of life, and supports my drive to write as much as I can and publish it in my variety of ways!

As a final note you can find me over on the Madam Kistulot’s Domain discord server, or Mind Control Literature, a discord server I administrate as a more general place for mind kink perverts.

Hope to see you there, but regardless of if/when you show up?

Take care of yourselves, and each other!

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