Approaching the penultimate red moon!

Hello again, everyone!

Volume 9 of Red Moon Rising is almost out! Can you believe it? Titled Final Preparations, this is the penultimate release of Red Moon Rising, the final book in the original Silver Girl series. I’m… beyond excited!

If you want to make sure you don’t miss it?

Add to your library on Smashwords!

Preorder on Amazon!

Follow on Patreon at the $30 tier!

My next paperback (what it is…? still a surprise!) should have a proof arriving today to make sure the cover is looking snazzy as anticipated! I am very excited, and I think you will be, too!

What’s coming from me this week?

Tomorrow, my $5 patrons will get to read Becoming Dorothy Part 2, getting an early chance to see just what Bronwen plans to do next! My $10 patrons get to see the conclusion of Becoming Dorothy in part 3 seeing her final fate… and My $15/30 patrons? They get to see the start of my next novel length release aimed at ROM and the EMCSA… Tender Loving Control!

This story is one that I’ve been so very excited to show all of you!

Written when I just wanted to write a little something for myself, this very long story covers so many of the things that you come for in my writing. It’s not a comic book story, but it is definitely still a story with a lot of naughty fun!

If you want to get a look at this exciting new story before anyone else?

Subscribe to my Patreon!

That’s all from me for now, but don’t forget! Each week, right after I write this blog post… I write another just for my patrons! While $2 patrons don’t get stories early, they do get to read what I’m writing, and what’s going on with me a bit more behind the curtain.

Until next time?

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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