Ink Slick Releases

Hello again, everyone!

I hope you’re all doing really well! It’s been two weeks since Ink Filled Silhouette, and now, we have Ink Slick Origins.

This story shows Yana’s early days as she begins to succumb to the Quillspawn potential inside of her.

Ink Slick Origins available now!
Ink Slick Origins available now!

Available now on Smashwords and Amazon!

And if you want to pre-order the next release, Umbral Origins, a story about Silhouette’s early days…  you can pre-order on Amazon, and add to your library on Smashwords!

My physical health is finally starting to improve! It’s been a twisted mess of infections, antibiotics, allergic reactions, chronic pain, and more, but things are largely on the mend! It’s really refreshing.

It also kinda means I’m not back up to full steam yet, as much as I’d like to.

That said, releases should keep coming, and that includes TLC! Support those releases over on Patreon!

For now, that’s all from me! Thank you for your interest and support! Until next time?

Take care of yourselves, and each other!

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