This week has gone surprisingly quietly on my side of things. I’ve had plenty of stuff keeping me occupied of course, but the world at large seems to be letting me focus on getting things done… so that’s appreciated!
It has been close to three months or more since I’ve gone further than my mailbox, but that has meant I’ve churned out plenty of fun stories for all of you to enjoy! My support to everyone who is commuting during these difficult times.
That said, next week will finally have the first Inky Prelude dropping! Are you all excited? Because I am very excited!
Poetic License – Now available for preorder!
This story is the first of a series that I think you’ll all quite enjoy. If you’d like to jump on this now, you can add it to your library on Smashwords, or preorder from Amazon!
I have another release dropping this week over on the EMCSA and ROM, namely a story called Golden Snare. Eye fascination, pendulums, coins, and a strap-on! What’s not to love? If you want to read it now you can over on my Patreon at the $10 tier, as well as tomorrow you’ll be able to see the second half of a story my $10 patrons got to see last week!
That’s all from me for the moment! I hope you all continue to enjoy, and that you take good care of yourselves and each other.
The fully compiled Argentum Project is now available! You can get it in paperback, or ebook form so you can take it with you everywhere whether you can recharge or not! I know most of you prefer reading digitally, but having things on a shelf excites me a lot. Sadly, author copies take longer than yours, but when it arrives I’ll be sure to show you how it looks!
Its my first new epub, and paperback release for 2021, starting things off with a bang! Things will continue every other weak, moving on to our next series… the Ink Slick Preamble.
Each new arc feels like a turning point for this series. Much like Silver Eclipse changed everything in The Adventures of Silver Girl, and The Argentum Project changed everything that came before it, I’d like to think this trend continues. Building on everything higher and higher, here’s to the series continuing to impress!
New years are a time to make plans, and resolutions. For me, most of my plans have been writing related. Release plans. Work schedules. Art commissions. When I say my writing is my passion? I mean it. My focus has always been on my writing, and I’m so lucky to be able to focus on it like I can these days.
That said, my work over on Patreon and the EMCSA/ROM continues! To find out more about that, head on over to My Patreon!
For now, thank you all for reading! Take care of yourselves, and each other!
This is the first Thursday of the year! How’s your 2021 gone so far? Good, I hope!
I ended up a little under the weather this week, but getting that out of the way this early in the year isn’t the worst thing. That’s slowed down my word count, but it won’t slow down any releases!
Big news this week?
Read Only Mind is now live! I’m not a big fan of the name because it feels the very opposite of what it should be, but what is it? A new site to find erotic stories of the mind control variety!
It’s very accessible, more user-controlled than the EMCSA, and bound to be home to lots of great stories in the future! There’s already a lot of great content there, including stories from myself. Stop on by, read away, and thank me a little for suggesting the ‘read later’ option!
For the moment most of the stories are ones migrated from tumblr, or they’re also on the EMCSA, but you should still check it out. Get in on the ground floor if you’re a creator yourself, or if you’d like to be!
On Tuesday you’ll be able to get a copy of The Argentum Project all compiled into one singular volume! After that it’ll be time to start getting into ink… isn’t that exciting? It’s pretty exciting for me! I think you’ll all agree once it drops!
There’s never been a better time to join a Discord server to talk with myself and other fans of my writing, the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord! There’s also Mind Control Literature, a server for fans of all writers, and all sources of mind control eroticism! Check that out here!
For now, that’s all there is for me! Take care of your selves, and each other!
I won’t have a blog post until next week after the new year, so I need to get this out here now for it to be relevant! May 2021 be a year full of happiness and joy for all of you. That would be great for all of us to have a nice, happy, cheerful time. Things won’t magically fix overnight… but I wouldn’t mind if they did in quick order.
But this week has a new release… The Argentum Project Volume 12!
The Argentum Project Volume 12: Tinted Mirror Match
Available on both Smashwords and Amazon, you can now see the thrilling conclusion! Patina and The Domina Argenti, facing off for the fate of Midas City… and the world!
If you’d like to have all of it gathered up together? It won’t be out for another couple of weeks–releases are slowing down to every-other-week instead of every week–but you can preorder the compiled The Argentum Project now on both Smashwords or Amazon! The paperback will be up on Amazon soon, but not quite yet. Goodness it’s one heck of a big book, over 240,000 words… and over six-hundred pages!
This weekend a new Eleanor story will be coming out over on MC Stories! The third part will be up on my Patreon, so if you want to get to read it all right away… the $10 tier will hook you up with that right away!
What does the new year hold from me?
A lot of ink.
What does that mean? Well, you’ll be finding out very soon. Things are coming out slower from here on to help with reading, but I promise, hitting 26 updates this year is still going to get a lot of very fun stories. This year on the epub side is going to be a very Silver Girl focused year. I intend to have more sales throughout the year, but every release scheduled? That’s a year of Silver Girl!
If you’ve enjoyed Silver Girl, then I think 2021 will be a lot of fun for you!
For now, I hope you take good care of yourselves… and each other!
I could have planned Volume 11 of 12 dropping on the penultimate week of the year… but I didn’t! I just did my best to keep to a release cycle!
After this year I’ll be slowing that down–I’ve gotten a lot of feedback that I’m simply releasing too much too quickly–but don’t worry! I’ve got plenty coming your way… like Volume 11: Arrival!
The Argentum Project Volume 11: Arrival
Things are nearing the end. There’s only one volume after this! Don’t miss out, get your copy now on Smashwords or Amazon!
Want to get Volume 12 the moment it drops? Preorder it now, The Argentum Project Volume 12: Tinted Mirror Match, up on both Smashwords and Amazon perfect to get yourself a little something for the very end of the year!
Can you believe in two weeks it’ll be 2021? Or, as I saw an awesome tweet call it, 2020 Turbo? (I woulda gone with EX Alpha Plus myself, but I always take jokes too far.) I hope your holiday seasons have all gone, or go, well! Happy Solstice to those of you who celebrate the changing of the seasons.
This year really has been abysmal for a lot of reasons, but I want to stop and take a moment to thank each and every one of you reading this. Even if you just buy a book or two here or there, support this or that, stop by my discord server, if you’re supporting my work? It means the world to me. I would not be able to have the life I do now without my incredible fans.
Everyone says they have the best fans, and I completely understand why. Other people mean it when they say it too, I’m sure. Having people here to support me and my work is so exciting! It really enriches my life, and makes me want to do everything I can to make all of you happy, too. That means constantly trying to put out the best smut I can!
Next week we’ll be finishing The Argentum Project, and this weekend, the EMCSA and my $5 patrons are getting a glimpse of Chronos from a different point of view–Windy’s! You can already read it for $10, along with the sneak peak for Homecuming Part 2! Check all of that out on my patreon, here!
That’s me for now, but I hope you all really can find some love, comfort, and warmth. If nothing else, I hope you can find a good book to keep you smiling.
Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other!
I hope you’ve all had a good week! Before we get too far I’d like to first let you all know about this week’s release, and what I’m testing with releases moving ahead. Up this week, as I’m sure you all expected, is The Argentum Project Volume 10: A One Way Ticket to Lust!
The Argentum Project Volume 10: A One Way Ticket To Lust
At the same time, Volume 11: Arrival is also up for preorder! If you buy it now, on Smashwords or Amazon, you get it the moment it comes out! That’s some good convenience, right? Buy it now, and in a week you get to read the story without worrying about it. Of course, next week I’ll do the same for that release, and so on.
That’s the plan, anyway! If this works out, I imagine it could make everyone’s lives a lot easier, including mine. Worrying about pushing the button on Amazon is just… not pleasant, y’know?
Feel free to tell me if you like this, dislike this, etc! I’m always trying to learn how to do this better. I promise, all I’ll do is thank you for reaching out!
Speaking of Patreon however, I’ve unfortunately heard of yet another content creator in my niche who is being warned of their stuff being taken down. We’ll see where that goes, but if my Patreon vanishes? All you’ll need to do is head to this space to get an update about any alternatives I throw together.
Patreon used to make a point about respecting literature, but it seems it only does if it’s a certain “level” of fiction. I’m really tired of fiction like Game of Thrones masturbating to death and misery, but fetish porn? That’s tooooo far!
Reforming that aspect of our society will take a lot of conscious effort, and I do hope for that. Unfortunately, for now… that seems like a bit of a pipe dream.
A lot of what I’ve been doing this week has been prewriting for various future projects. Silver Girl won’t end after The Argentum Project, and I’m already planning for far into that future so I never hit a random, nasty stopping point. While names are all subject to change, naturally, a lot of progress has been made!
If you missed my AMA you missed out on a LOT of fun! There’s still the logs, though! If you head over to The Madam Kistulot’s Domain, my discord server, you can read it now! Modren, the writer of Whiteout, even made it a crossover event! You should read that, because Modren and I may, if all goes well, be working on a future project together that makes me all kinds of exciting!
I’ve also been rereading through a friend’s older writing. Omega Girl and Silver Girl were never very solidly interlinked in a lot of ways–more like the way Superman and Spider-Man were suddenly in the same world and share continuity/etc without a lot of that bleeding over beyond their crossover books–but I intend on having Lacie Ann show up in a future story, too. I’m only not linking to J. Darksong’s works because the other night when I mentioned these plans last, he bemoaned them needing a rewrite and I don’t want to embarrass anyone.
Other good stories I’ve read recently? I haven’t mentioned Skaetlett here nearly enough I think, which is my bad entirely. They do some amazing work, and I recently read my way through How To Pay Your College Loans, which you should check out if the concept of a woman selling herself into slavery to pay off her loans appeals to you. It’s a lot of fun!
Skaetlett, Modren, and frequently-mentioned Doctor D. and Callie are all going to be at Virtual Charmed this year! They’ll be discussing writing erotica from a hypnokink perspective! Sign up here to hop aboard that!
What else is there to discuss? OH! Hypnotic Harlequin, a writer I’ve enjoyed for some time, has a new story you should check out! Dating Doctor Danger is incredibly sexy, and fun, and full of possibilities my mind will be wandering around for awhile. You’ll want to read this one!
Hrm. That’s a lot from me this week, huh?
More coming from me this weekend. Simon already has my latest release in his inbox!
So, this week I made a little mistake. While trying to format this week’s release, The Argentum Project Volume 9: Te Nosce…
It accidentally ended up with the text of Volume 8 x.x
That’s really inexcusable, and I’m quite sorry. The problem has been fixed on Smashwords, and I’ve submitted the proper draft to Amazon. Hopefully this will be fixed in short order. For the meantime, please accept my humblest apologies.
That said, the fan who pointed it out DID get a free book of their choice, so I did at least do my best to reward the fan who reached out to me! 🙂
Volume 9 may have had a hiccup, but I think you’ll still really love where The Argentum Project continues to go!
The Argentum Project: Te Nosce
Available on Amazon (even if you buy it before it’s fixed–it’ll update soon!) and Smashwords!
The other day someone was asking me what Smashwords is, why I’m using it, etc… I didn’t even think to mention the benefit of “Oh, and I can actually tweak it on the fly”. It really is a perk…!
So, again? Really sorry about that, but as far as I can remember this is only the… second? Third? Blip like this in my three years, and nearly 100 ebooks on sale, so…
Not so bad, I daresay!
But, that off to one side… don’t forget! The entirety of the Tomes of Modern Magic series is on sale on Smashwords! Use the code VY48S at checkout and save on either one, or both!
I’m a really big fan of Gift of the Sorceress, personally, and $1.99 for a 36k story? That’s gotta have some value to it, right? Check it out! Doesn’t it just have an amazing cover?
Gift of the Sorceress
Another thing you’ll want to remember is that Tomorrow, Friday the 11th of December 2020, I’ll be hosting an AMA for The Adventures of Silver Girl! There’s a PDF inside of the appropriate channel in my discord server, and I’d be very happy to have you! The 15th anniversary is a really big deal to me, and I’m super excited to continue the celebration!
Over on my Patreon campaign you can see the ending of Candy Pink Rosé without waiting for Saturday… and tomorrow, a new story set in Chronos, Liminal Floor, will be available to read! I think you’ll all love it! It stars Windy of all characters, someone who doesn’t get the spotlight all that often!
I’ve been continuing to simply adore The Kat Came Back by SoVeryFascinated. Please reach out, praise them, let them know just how much it’s loved so they keep writing more! I don’t want them to stop creative for the archive due to a lack of feedback!
Rumor has it that Callidus is working on something special. I don’t want to tip their hand for them, but you should keep aware of their stuff–read their story, Compliance and Acquisition, on MCStories and give feedback there, too!
That feels like enough from me for the week!
For now, I’ll bid you all adieu and ask that you take care of yourselves… and each other!
2020 has been one hell of a long year, and yet somehow I still can’t believe it’s almost over. How does that even work? I don’t know, but 2020 sure is a land of contrasts, huh?
To begin with, this week saw the release of The Argentum Project Volume 8: Identity Crisis. The series is really heating up, so you should grab your copy today!
The Argentum Project introduces one of my favorite characters in the entire larger Midas City setting: Aureus. Volume 8 begins to show just why I adore her so much. You should read to find out!
And if you want more reading? I have another recommendation:
Gift of the Sale: Gift of the Sorceress and Wanna Bet are both 50% off for the month of December!
Head to Smashwords, drop by the Tomes of Modern Magic series page, use the coupon code VY48S at checkout, and save 50% on either of them or both! It lasts until January 1st! Wanna Bet is a fun, sexy story with a fun gambling theme based around a chance encounter. Gift of the Sorceress is a sexy Yule story! You should check these out while they’re on sale!
Want more to read? I have a few more recommendations. For one… Did you know you can get Modren’s Whiteout in paperback form now? There’s an extra chapter in there, AND a thanks to me! So you should check it out! I have my copy!
Not only that, but have I mentioned The Kat Came Back recently? It’s a hell of a story, and it’s been keeping me constantly on the edge of my seat. Read it!
Doctor D. also updated It Rings for Thee recently, and if you haven’t been reading that, why not? It’s got brilliant world building, prose that frankly puts mine to shame… you should be jumping on this right now!
Don’t forget that I’m running an AMA on my Discord server, The Madam Kistulot’s Domain, on the 11th! Soon the channel there will have a link to a list of events for a recap of tAoSG, as it will be specifically about that book as more people have had a chance to read it than the rest, and I want to see if my fans will get a kick out of it! You’ll be able to ask the Chronos crew questions if you have them, too!
I feel like I should have a lot more to say here, but that already is a fair bit, huh? I hope you all have a great end to what has likely been a very stressful year. Take care of yourselves and each other.
November is nearly over… can you believe it? We’re nearly through 2020! 2021 won’t instantly fix all of our problems, but it still might help make things feel a little bit better. I won’t sneeze at that!
This week’s release is news, but I also have a sale for a week, more books on Smashwords, and more!
The Argentum Project Volume 7: Familiar Places with Familiar Faces
Volume 7 introduces a character who might be my favorite in the whole series. She’s definitely up there for me, anyway. We’ll see if you agree! Check it out, and let me know what you think! A good place to do that? My discord server!
Amusingly, around this time fifteen years ago I only had one story up on the EMCSA. The Adventures of Silver Girl, an incomplete tale of super heroines and mind control. There were a fair few chapters posted, but not enough to make me feel good bout the name Madam Kistulot having only ONE story under it, so… I wrote another story.
And at the time, the name “Black Friday” hadn’t really registered so instead, I named it “The Day After” and now it’s on Smashwords!
The Day After
For a whole week, until December 2nd, you can get 50% off of both The Day After, and the first rerelease of Marianna’s Conquests, The Fourth! Just head to Smashwords and use the code “CJ92Q” at checkout! It’s not too much of a Thanksgiving treat, but it’s something!
Once that coupon expires, I’ll probably be throwing out a new one for Gift of the Sorceress, so feel free to hold off on that one for the moment if you read this and get to see all the cool things before they happen!
Last time I mentioned a Silver Girl AMA, and I intend on doing that after all! December 11th, drop by The Madam Kistulot’s Domain and you’ll get to talk to me, and the cast of Silver Girl about the first story in the series, The Adventures of Silver Girl! I keep odd hours, but I’ll respond to everyone, so even if you work late, or early, or split shift? Don’t worry! I want this to be fun for everyone!
I’ll be writing up a sheet for the events of tAoSG as a refresher for everyone, as I want to keep it *strictly* limited to that story. Later AMAs will cover further if this one goes well, but I want to make this one more inclusive!
That means if you wanna participate? Check out The Adventures of Silver Girl now, on Amazon or Smashwords, and catch up before December 11th! We’ll all be happy to have you!
That’s it for now, I think! I’ve been converting ebooks all day! To see the full listing of new ebook releases on Smashwords, check out the updates portion of my website!
Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other!
I hope you’re having a lovely Hypnovember, and the continued anniversary of Silver Girl! The original story was posted between November 7th to January 8th, so while I may not count the whole time as the anniversary usually… it’s the 15th, and that feels special to me.
It’s as many as three ‘ten’s!
While this week only saw one brand new release, I have a few exciting announcements if you prefer to make your purchases via Smashwords over Amazon! …but let’s start things off with my latest release, the sixth volume of The Argentum Project!
The Argentum Project Volume 6: The Line Between Justice and Revenge
This volume really has things heating up! Next week is a double-sized volume, so I hope you’re all ready for some drama, some smut, and plenty of mind control!
But, I said there was some big news, right? Right! Everything currently out for Silver Girl is also on Smashwords… except for Silver Eclipse. I’ve been withdrawing from KDP, for a variety of reasons, but unfortunately Silver Eclipse doesn’t run out until December. Once it does, the files are ready, and I’ll push them through! Sorry in the meantime for the delay.
There’s a lot more to come on Smash as I get the rest of my catalogue up there, but formatting takes time, and there’s so much to get done.
A lot of excitement!
I have a big art commission coming up next month, one that I think everyone will love. At the same time, my patreon, where you can support my free stories released online, a story set in Midas City’s first part is currently available at the $10! Its name is Candy Pink Rosé, and I think you can guess some of the characters you might see. You can check it out here!
Work on further Silver Girl releases? Going very smoothly, and a project I began during NaNo last year (I think, time is very fucky for me anymore) is scheduled to be resumed in January. It won’t be seen for awhile yet, but drafts for major projects take a while between being written and released! It’s a story set in the same Midas City universe, but so far I’ve been calling it “Untitled Madam Kistulot Project” or UMKP for short.
If you haven’t been following Tabico and Uzubono’s CORE, there’s an epilogue for volume 15 coming up soon! I’m pretty hyped for that!
Recently while checking out Modren’s Discord I saw she had fun with an AMA about Whiteout featuring the cast within, so I’m thinking of scheduling an AMA for the first Adventures of Silver Girl novel as a celebration of the anniversary. It would be limited to the first story, and the events therein. If you don’t want to miss out, join my server now!
That’s all for this week, but look forward to more same Kistulot Time, same Kistu–wait a tic. Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other! 🙂