So Far In Over Her Head!

Hello again, everyone!

Out this week is the second new tale in the Silver Girl series for some time, and the second part of To Patrol and Control!

In Over her Head available now!
In Over her Head available now!

You can pick up a copy on Smashwords, or on Amazon and see a little more of things to come!

If you’d like to be prepared for part three of the series, you can preorder it on Amazon, or add it to your library on Smashwords!

While it would be really nice to have a kitchen that wasn’t being worked on every weekday, I am settling in to my New England lifestyle! I even procured a new rotating monitor, so I can work on stories in portrait mode! You’d be surprised what a difference that makes. It really makes things feel… properly designed for working on text documents? I can’t wait to use it more for that purpose.

I recently nabbed up the A. Regina Cantatis stories I didn’t own, and Dark Spaces: An Anthology comes highly recommended. When she went by thrall on the archive her work was great. Love in a Silver Socket is worth it alone. The story I read from the bunch while in an airplane was What Happens in Decon, which I think you’ll enjoy if you enjoy my work. It’s sincerely a steal to get so many great stories for so cheap.

This weekend Patreon, ROM, and the EMCSA are all getting more sex ninjas. It’s a a longer story, and My Patreon Supporters at the $10+ mark alreeady have the lot of it.. So this month they’ll be getting Lighting the Way Down,a  story about a sexy mermaid being lured by something bright, shining… and mesmerizing. That’ll be another two weeks before everyone else gets to see it. Jealous? You should be! Any and all support is naturally appreciated, but you get more, sooner, if you fork out the dough!

If you’d like to chat with me, or other fans of my work, you are always welcome to the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord! We’d all be happy to have you!

That’s me for this week! Until next time, take care of yourselves… and each other!

A New Month, For New Stories!

Hello, everyone!

I hope that your September is off to a good start! My own isn’t too bad as I work to solidify my wicked plans to move out to Massachusetts.

Yeah, it’s a little forced seeming now, but in no time it’ll be wicked sweet when I just use wicked in sentences.

Okay, maybe it’s just a little silly and childish.

Regardless, this week is somewhat a relaxed week before some big excitement. This weekend we get Part 3 of Reunion’s public release, and my patreon gets more Sex Ninjas.

I don’t have the most exciting news at the moment because things are in an interstitial space, but I am super happy with what’s comming!

Next week we have Flash Friction, and there’ll keep on being more and more great stuff.

I hope you’ll be there with me for it.

Take care of yourselves, and each other, and I’ll see you all again next week!

Compiled in Ink

Hello again!

This week saw the release of the fully compiled Ink Soaked Penumbra, including the paperback! If you want to pick up a copy of the compiled e-book today, you can do so on Smashwords.

Ink Soaked Penumbra now available!
Ink Soaked Penumbra now available!

And on Amazon, you can pick up the paperback copy here!

It feels a little sad to be moving on from so much ink, but here we are! The Ink is behind us, and we’re moving on to a new series: To Patrol and Control. This is a very exciting series… for multiple reasons!

First of which?

Flash Friction is not a rewrite, a rerelease, or anything like that. It’s nothing that contradicts anything that happened, but it lets us see something that would have, should have happened before if I’d realized something sooner. I never saw something very simple.

Olivia and Valerie never really have a good chance to get to know each other better.

Flash Friction, my next release, seeks to remedy that.

Flash Friction, now available for preorder!
Flash Friction, now available for preorder!

If you want to preorder it on Amazon, you can do so here, or mark it for your library on Smashwords!

This story is one I’m very proud of, so I hope you’re all eager to support it!

Last week I uh… made a little mistake and accidentally was a week behind, so my EMCSA release will be catching up, parts 1 and 2 of Reunion, but it’ll be finished up on Patreon already, and the start of a new story, a story about sex ninjas, will begin to release! If you want more writing from me and you aren’t supporting me on Patreon, you’ll want to check that out!

A lot of exciting things are waiting us in the future… and I think you’ll all really enjoy the ride!

But that’s all from me for now, so take care of yourselves… and each other!

Ink and the Future!

Hello, everyone!

This weekend I’ll be pressing go on the paperback for Ink Soaked Penumbra. Sadly, I won’t have access to a link until it goes live, but it’ll be up on Amazon on Tuesday and my website should be updated appropriately!

After that’s done, look forward to the future, which has some exciting news for all Silver Girl fans.

The next series is another series of shorts in the ongoing Silver Girl series, but this one contains stories never before released anywhere! In examining the following story I noticed there were two things that never get addressed, so…

New stories!

The first of these I’ll be telling you about after the release of ISP2’s paperback, but I think you’ll all really like them!

As for my Patreon releases, this week my $5 tier are getting the second part of Award Winning Fuck Doll. My $10 and up patrons are getting their hands on part two of Reunion, a very fun story.

If you want to find out more… check out my patreon! I even give weekly blog posts about what I’m up to that week! 🙂

Until then, that’s all for me!

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

The Ink Soaked Penumbra is now Complete!

Hello, everyone!

As stated by the title of today’s blog… the Ink Soaked Penumbra is now finally complete!

Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 7: Silver Dawn is available now!
Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 7: Silver Dawn is available now!

Pick up a copy of Volume 7 today on Smashwords:

or on Amazon:

There’s a lot more Silver Girl sexiness waiting us in the future, too! My editrix has been working hard to get me more, and I’ve been formatting it, preparing it, etc! Artists are hard at work on covers, and I’m very confident that you’ll all love what’s coming your way! 🙂

Speaking of stories people are really enjoying? Last weekend’s “Award Winning Fuckdoll” has been doing real numbers! A lot of people have really seemed to love it, and if you’d like to read the next section now you can do so on my Patreon. If you want to read the first parts…

Here on ROM:

And here on the EMCSA:

It’s a fun story about an award winning actress learning about a new line of sex dolls. Everyone’s loving it, and I think you will, too!

You can find my discord server at the following link to talk to myself and other fans:

If you’d like to chat to other lovers of erotic mind control, you can join the Mind Control Literature server here:

For now, I hope that you take care of yourselves, and each other!

Ink Soaked Penultimate Volume!

Hello again, everyone!

This week Volume 6 of the Ink Soaked Penumbra released: Silver Linings. If you want a copy, you can pick it up today!

Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 6: Silver Linings available now!
Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 6: Silver Linings available now!

Pick up a copy on either Smashwords or Amazon!

The continued feedback on this release has been incredibly exciting, and this story isn’t even over yet! In another two weeks we’ll be getting the final release, Volume 7: Silver Dawn. If you’d like to preorder it on Amazon you can here, otherwise you can add it to your Smashwords library here!

There’s not much else to report, really! I spent a little time lately exploring Seattle, karaoke, and just getting a lot of writing down.

If you’d like to chat with myself and other fans of my writing, you can find us on Discord at the Madam Kistulot’s Domain! Additionally, if you want to chat with other lovers of mind control, you can do so here in Mind Control Literature!

For now, that’s me! Next week, I’ll have much more to say as per usual, but for now…

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

Restful in Seattle

Hello, everyone!

As the title suggests, I’m still up in the Emerald City enjoying plenty of Pink Floyd, delicious donuts that I recommend if you’re in the area, and being at the center of a different space to soak in the energies and take lots of pictures. I’m sure I look like a complete tourist when I stop to snap pictures of every building, but research is research!

Did you know there’s a silly store that only sells things that are rated four stars or higher on Amazon? It’s a very silly place, but they had a USB hub I needed when I was walking back from grabbing some donuts, so I can’t argue with that.

I’ve had a lot of local cuisine, ordering from far more restaurants than I usually do in my own neighborhood. I’m already sad I can’t stay here forever.

Seattle is really a special place with some amazing pizza, some great Thai food, good burgers, and more! This is coming from a girl who is bad at enjoying a lot of food, too, so it probably means more. A gal hopes, anyway.

Also I’ve actually been keeping to a decent sleep schedule! Still! I don’t think it’ll hold up once I’m in Portland because I wont have all of the same reasons helping me out, but it’s still really nice to get so much amazing sleep. People always say it’s so important, and I used to find it easy, but that got a little more difficult awhile back. This has been a nice reprieve.

As for any other fun things to say?

Tuesday will bring with it another release, this time ISP Volume Six! If you want to preorder it on Amazon you can do so here, or add to library on Smashwords here!

But before that, on Saturday… last week I was a bit behind in my own release schedule–remembering it properly, anyway. Part 2 of Sync Scent drops this weekend on both ROM and the EMCSA, but on My Patreon if you drop $10 you’ll get to not only read the END of Sync Scent right now…? But this weekend, you’ll get to be one of the first to read a story about a famous actress who has a major change in her career!

If you’d like to chat with myself and other fans of my writing, you can find us on Discord at the Madam Kistulot’s Domain! Additionally, if you want to chat with other lovers of mind control, you can do so here in Mind Control Literature!

For now, that’s me! Next week, I’ll have much more to say as per usual, but for now…

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

Stars Aligning in Ink

Hello everyone!

I hope that you’ve all had an excellent week! It’s been an excellent week for me, with a lot accomplished, and a lot happening for me. This week had a new release, and that’s always a good thing!

Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 5: Stars Aligning is out now!
Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 5: Stars Aligning is out now!

Available now on Smashwords and on Amazon!

If you want to preorder Part 6, it’s up for preorder on Amazon, and it’s available to add to your library on Smashwords!

So much ink has dripped out onto the page, and that’s been incredibly exciting for me. All of the feedback has been wonderful, and I can’t wait to see more of it!

For the rest of this month I’m going to be up in Seattle, and unfortunately I didn’t bring a backup of my FTP data with me, so… I can’t update my website. Phooey. But that just means I’ll need to make sure to fix that the moment I get back home early August. New story releases, however, will continue unabated.

That includes Patreon updates, too! They will continue unabated, and if you’d love to get more of my writing, that’s a good place to look! The EMCSA is going to update this week, but I updated last week on ROM, too, a newer story site hosting erotic mind control works.

Patreon helps me release free writing, while still making that money thing you need to make to get things you need, so, please consider supporting that if it sounds like something you would like to do!

That’s all for this week, but I hope you have a wonderful week, and I’ll see you back here next time!

Until then?

Take care of yourselves, and each other.

Ink Dripping Right Along

Hello, everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful time of July so far! Summer has finally hit, and… phew if it hasn’t made things very warm in the pacific northwest! A little too warm, but I’m adjusting fairly well all things considered.

Part of that just includes whining that I swear we used to get a LOT more rain than this… primarily because we did!

Droughts are no good.

But there hasn’t been a drought of content from me, as I think anyone could see! The Ink Soaked Penumbra continues to drip, with Volume 5 being available for preorder on Amazon for next Tuesday and on Smashwords to add to your library. I do not understand why Smashwords does not accept preorders. It is frustrating, but oh well!

Due to a combination of factors I haven’t read nearly enough on the EMCSA lately, but this weekend won’t be an update there… but I will still have a new story on Read Only Mind, or ROM.

Readership on ROM seems like it’s still building up, but the feedback I get there is very nice, so don’t hesitate!

This weekend will give us the second half of Lifted Up to Surrender… but if you want to pledge $10 to my Patreon, you can get more of the aphrodisiac filled, corruption soaked, heroine goodness that is Sync Scent?

Head over to My Patreon!

Finally, don’t forget! I have a discord server for lovers of all varieties of Erotic Mind Control, and you can join us here on discord!

Plus, I have a little corner of the net just for me… the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord!

For now, however?

I don’t have the most recommendations or suggestions or the like, but I’ll try to have some soon! I blame the weather.

Take care of yourselves, and each other, and I’ll be back here next week!

Self Reunion out now!

Hello, everyone!

This week’s release includes some of my favorite of my own writing! I continue to write stuff that I really love and aim for sexier, more emotionally resonant, all of the best sorts of stories that everyone would love to read?

But I’ll always love Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 4: Self Reunion in a very special way.

Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 4: Self Reunion available now!

Pick up your copy today on Smashwords or Amazon!

But that’s not the only thing that I have to say today!

Awhile back you might recall that I shared a picture from an artist who goes by Hinton Blitz! Well, that was actually the SECOND picture I commissioned from them. The first? Was this one that I’ve posted to my site now! You can see Yana and Valerie enjoying a little time together right here. They’re a great artist, and I really enjoyed the result of their work!

What else do I have to share?

I’m on vacation!

That might not be exciting for you, but it is very exciting for me. I haven’t taken any time off when I haven’t needed it for a very long time. Don’t worry, though! This won’t slow down my release cycle.

In fact, on Patreon this week at the $10 level, you’ll be able to get your hands on the first part of a new story named Sync Scent. Everyone else will get to see the first part of a new story, Lifted up to Surrender, and at the $5 tier will get it in epub, pdf, and mobi formats.

I’ve filled this vacation with fictional mind control, hypnosis, and all sorts of other fun, sexy things.

When I get back to writing, soonish, you’ll be getting a lot more fun writing from me!

But for now?

Take care of yourselves… and each other!