There was always an intended delay for my next release, The Domination of Lady Lapis, and we still haven’t hit the point where that’s liable to be an issue.
That said, goodness, this trip is so far working wonders… and soon, if plans bare out?
I’ll be taking a trip overseas!
I’ve heard more than once the way that kind of experience can broaden a perspective, and I look forward to seeing how that bares out for me.
My mind has been jogging along creatively, putting this and that together, benefiting dramatically from the change of scenery and the company.
As a result I don’t have the most to say, but I don’t want to be radio silent, either, but this is a great time for you to catch up on stories of mine that you might not have thought to give a glance yet!
Alternatively, Modren‘s Whiteout is a good read, and I’ve got a thanks in the back, and speaking of London? Callidus’s Compliance and Acquisition: Lesbian Hypnosis and Intrigue in Corporate London is available here!
It really is a shame I didn’t plan things better. Pink is finally making her return on Tuesday, and here I am, realizing that means she misses a holiday that both Pink and Dust can celebrate.
What a missed opportunity!
Regardless, Pink Candy is dropping on Tuesday! If you want to pre-order a copy on Amazon you can do so here! If you want to add it to your library on Smashwords, you can do so here!
So what else is new with me? Over on my Patreon, something exciting is coming! Namely, a new story entitled The Adventures of Figura: To Change The World, Change Yourself! It is in full 12 chapters long, and a bit over 30k. It’s about a heroine getting in over her head, and features orgasm denial, hypnotic brainwashing, triggers, and more!
If you enjoyed The Adventures of Silver Girl, then you should enjoy this!
You can read a lot of it right now over at the $10 Tier, or get ebook variants of the first two chapters–with the fun starting already–for $5. You can check out more here!
Every week on Patreon I also talk about what I’m writing! It’s a peek no one else gets, so if that sounds fun…!
Don’t forget Callidus released his first ebook/paperback! Nab it for yourself! It’s a great story you’re sure to enjoy if you like my work. Heck… it’s been awhile–buy Modren‘s Whiteout, too!
What else is there to say for now? Take care of yourselves, each other, and I’ll be here same Kistu-website, same Kistu-time… roughly!
Oh, and everyone here is recovering! Thanks to everyone who sent positivity for our recent medical troubles.
It’s under a week until my next story, Silver Gray Starlight! I’m so excited for it to hit the virtual stands, and for all of you to get a glance. It’s the return of a fan favorite character, and I imagine you’ll all be very happy to see her.
To check out the synopsis and look into pre-ordering, you can head on over to Amazon, or Smashwords!
Also, if you didn’t see Eshie’s amazing art of Aureus and Patina, you should really check out the latest art over on my webpage! To see it all in a gallery, you can click here, or you can click here to see the updates which makes it easier to see what was added when!
Also, I’m not the only one with exciting release news!
Head on over to Callidus’s blog and you’ll get to see that they’ve got something coming soon, too… but don’t let me spoil it! Check it out, and get excited now!
People who subscribe to my Patreon for $5 or more get to read the first part of En Pointe this weekend! It’s a story of corruption, a story of clothing fetishry, and it’s outright delicious. People subscribing at the $10 tier already were able to read En Pointe, and this week they’ll be getting the first part of a new story about a super heroine who wants to make the world a better place, and may just need to struggle to hold on to her self along the way…!
All patrons get to read a weekly blog that’s only for Patreon talking explicitly about what I’ve been writing. It gets you a closer, more intimate connection here with me.
I hope you’ve all been doing well! Due to a slight oversight on my part, Ink Soaked Penumbra’s Amazon release was delayed by a day. This was entirely my fault, but hopefully it didn’t bother anyone too terribly much.
That said, if you want to see the next stage of the Ink Soaked Penumbra? It’s available now!
There’s also a fun new picture over on my website. Is it a bit shameless? Does it show that I’ve watched far too much JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure? Yes to both, but that’s not really such a big issue compared to how happy having that picture made me.
I’ve been working with Callidus to prepare for another podcast recording. No guarantee when it will happen, but we’re both really looking forward to it! They’re always a lot of fun, and I’m glad we’re making it more of a habit.
This weekend on ROM/the EMCSA there’ll be a new story with a superhero and her girlfriend going through a very complicated situation. On my Patreon, tomorrow will have the release of a new story with a focus on clothing fetishry and other very fun things.
Don’t forget that if you’d like to join a server to chat with other mind control fetishists, Mind Control Literature is here and you can join us here on discord!
I hope you’ve all had a great month! In just five days (or four? Depends on how you look at time!) it’s going to be a new month, with a new sale next month!
Five months going by is really wild to think about. That’s almost half of the year! A lot has happened, but also it feels impossible that could have been so much time.
I’ve been writing a lot, and next week I’ll be releasing Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 2. The feedback so far has been really thrilling, and I’m looking forward to seeing these continued responses.
On the EMCSA/ROM the Tokusatsu inspired series I wrote will continue to release, and on my Patreon there’ll be a story about some fun, sexy magic. I have so many sexy stories for you all to read, and I hope that you’ll follow along with me!
For now, I think that’s all I really have to say. Please check out the podcast, my Patreon if that interests you, and look out for a new release on Tuesday.
So, this week I made a little mistake. While trying to format this week’s release, The Argentum Project Volume 9: Te Nosce…
It accidentally ended up with the text of Volume 8 x.x
That’s really inexcusable, and I’m quite sorry. The problem has been fixed on Smashwords, and I’ve submitted the proper draft to Amazon. Hopefully this will be fixed in short order. For the meantime, please accept my humblest apologies.
That said, the fan who pointed it out DID get a free book of their choice, so I did at least do my best to reward the fan who reached out to me! 🙂
Volume 9 may have had a hiccup, but I think you’ll still really love where The Argentum Project continues to go!
The Argentum Project: Te Nosce
Available on Amazon (even if you buy it before it’s fixed–it’ll update soon!) and Smashwords!
The other day someone was asking me what Smashwords is, why I’m using it, etc… I didn’t even think to mention the benefit of “Oh, and I can actually tweak it on the fly”. It really is a perk…!
So, again? Really sorry about that, but as far as I can remember this is only the… second? Third? Blip like this in my three years, and nearly 100 ebooks on sale, so…
Not so bad, I daresay!
But, that off to one side… don’t forget! The entirety of the Tomes of Modern Magic series is on sale on Smashwords! Use the code VY48S at checkout and save on either one, or both!
I’m a really big fan of Gift of the Sorceress, personally, and $1.99 for a 36k story? That’s gotta have some value to it, right? Check it out! Doesn’t it just have an amazing cover?
Gift of the Sorceress
Another thing you’ll want to remember is that Tomorrow, Friday the 11th of December 2020, I’ll be hosting an AMA for The Adventures of Silver Girl! There’s a PDF inside of the appropriate channel in my discord server, and I’d be very happy to have you! The 15th anniversary is a really big deal to me, and I’m super excited to continue the celebration!
Over on my Patreon campaign you can see the ending of Candy Pink Rosé without waiting for Saturday… and tomorrow, a new story set in Chronos, Liminal Floor, will be available to read! I think you’ll all love it! It stars Windy of all characters, someone who doesn’t get the spotlight all that often!
I’ve been continuing to simply adore The Kat Came Back by SoVeryFascinated. Please reach out, praise them, let them know just how much it’s loved so they keep writing more! I don’t want them to stop creative for the archive due to a lack of feedback!
Rumor has it that Callidus is working on something special. I don’t want to tip their hand for them, but you should keep aware of their stuff–read their story, Compliance and Acquisition, on MCStories and give feedback there, too!
That feels like enough from me for the week!
For now, I’ll bid you all adieu and ask that you take care of yourselves… and each other!
I hope that you’ve all been enjoying The Argentum Project! Reintroducing old characters through a new lens is always something I adore doing as a writer… and this series is basically this to a ‘T’. Not every idea previously explored will be visited again in this rather hot, fun exploration of Midas City, and plenty of new fun ones add to the mix… I really enjoy seeing things from a new angle.
What better angle than from the comfort of a nice, warm Hot Tub with some Hot Fun?
The Argentum Project Volume 2: Hot Tub, Hot Fun
You can pick up your copy of Volume 2 now, on either Amazon, or Smashwords!
To make sure your flow of Silver Girl is uninterrupted, I’ve been hard at work both working on future stories, and at future projects that interlink! Seeds are set in this story that will pay off in unrelated stories, and so on. My hope is to help make the Silver Girl universe sprawling and fun. I think you’ll all get a lot out of some of the fun, sexy directions its sure to go.
After all, there are so many sexy things to do with super heroines… far more than can be contained to only one series, like The Adventures of Silver Girl.
I want to do more of that series eventually, but right at the moment I was just a bit too busy with other projects to have it ready in time. Next year, I’ll be doing my best to have the sixth entry up and ready to go.
For the near future, Amazon and Smashwords will continue to see more and more of The Argentum Project, showing Patina’s sterling exploits as she makes Midas City a safer place. I hope you’re all eager to see what comes next!
In the meantime, Callidus, who you might remember as an excellent photomanipper and the host of the Black Room podcast, has a story going up on the EMCSA! It’s been sizzling hot so far, and you should all check it out! Compliance and Acquisition is free, so you have no excuse!
There are plenty of other great stories there, and I have one going up every week! If you want to see them before anyone else, my patreon campaign is as ever the place to go.
I have some new words to write so I’ll cut this off here, but I hope to see you all here next week for more updates on what I have in store for all of you… as well as recommendations, and other little sexy things that catch my eye!
Oh, and I’ve ordered a bit of sexy art to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of Silver Girl, but it’s going to be a bit late… so I might order a second, just to make up for it.
Still, look forward to that!
Until then… take care of yourselves and each other!