Hello again, everyone!
For a bit now I’ve been releasing pieces of Book 8, but now they’re all released… and so is their compilation!
In one book you can get Flash Friction: the a story of Valerie and Olivia trying to become closer friends, In over Her Head: the story of a heroine Dragout looking for evidence of a conspiracy in Midas City, Obedience over Matter: a story about the heroine Monica Fourier who doesn’t like to make a big deal about herself but now no longer has a choice, Silver Gray Starlight: Silver Girl on patrol once more trying to end the machinations of a once very dear friend, and Pink Candy: the return of everyone’s favorite sugar fiend.
Pick up a copy today!

You can get the paperback on Amazon, the ebook on Kindle, or on Smashwords!
You can pre-order the start of the next book, To Serve and Obey, on Amazon right here. It’s also up on Smashwords!
Can you believe this month is half over already? Over half over, actually. It seems unreal to me that such thing would be the case, but, well… it is! Nothing anyone can do about it but look forward to the remains of the year. Obviously since I only moved in September everything is still “my first x in Boston” when it comes to these last couple of months in the year, but I really do love it here.
It’s such a nice place, though I will never stop giggling at the local accent.
Still, there is some exciting news for everyone who loves my writing: I now have a CPAP machine! I sleep better, I wake up faster, and I have more energy! I predict that in no time, as I adapt to this (and get a mask that actually fits!) I should be doing amazingly.
That’s pretty good for everyone, if you ask me.
This week on Patreon, Chapters 7 and 8 will drop for all of my $5 patrons. For all of my $10 patrons… you get to see the way the story ends! If you want to see it sooner, it’s going to release tomorrow at noon. Drop $10 my way, and you get it in epub, mobi, and pdf formats! Download and enjoy. No DRM included!
And if you back my Patreon at ANY amount? You get to see the other blog post I’m going to write after this one! I’ll try to remember to edit the link in here. Edit: My patron-only post for the week is here!
Before I go, If you would like to chat with myself and other fans of my work, join the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord! And if you want to chat with other fetishists with broader interests? I operate the Mind Control Literature discord, and you can join us here on discord!
I’m off to get to work crafting more sexy works for all of you, so in the meantime?
Take care of yourselves, and each other!