This week sees a new release in the Silver Girl series… Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 2! There’s a lot of sexy fun in this award winning release, so I hope you’re all ready for some slick heat!
Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 2: Shadow of Hope, Light of Desire
I hope that you’ve all been loving this series so far! The responses I’ve seen over in my discord have been very favorable, so I’m imagining that’s the norm. Feel free to join us, and share your thoughts!
There’s also some new art of everyone’s favorite Shadow Kitten over on my website! Clyde_S did an absolutely lovely job with this commission and I’m certain you’ll all agree!
Over here in Oregon I am dying from the heat so while I have a lot of great things I’m working on for all of you, and that’s going well, the heat doesn’t leave a lot of room for much else so I’ll leave you at that for now!
I hope you’ve all had a great month! In just five days (or four? Depends on how you look at time!) it’s going to be a new month, with a new sale next month!
Five months going by is really wild to think about. That’s almost half of the year! A lot has happened, but also it feels impossible that could have been so much time.
I’ve been writing a lot, and next week I’ll be releasing Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 2. The feedback so far has been really thrilling, and I’m looking forward to seeing these continued responses.
On the EMCSA/ROM the Tokusatsu inspired series I wrote will continue to release, and on my Patreon there’ll be a story about some fun, sexy magic. I have so many sexy stories for you all to read, and I hope that you’ll follow along with me!
For now, I think that’s all I really have to say. Please check out the podcast, my Patreon if that interests you, and look out for a new release on Tuesday.
And if you’d like to see a preview image of Celia and Helena to whet your appetite and tempt you to pick up a copy? My editrix Kia commissioned Kem Nguyen to put together a lovely piece you can see over on my website!
Most writers don’t go back and reread their own work very often. It’s not that we dislike the works (though sometimes it can be a love-hate relationship) but the connection to it is a different one where we can just remember it, or where we don’t get the same enjoyment from examining the words on the page as thoroughly.
Ink Soaked Penumbra?
It’s one I go back to annually and gaze at a section here or there, or reread in its entirety. I’m looking forward to seeing how everyone feels about this expanded, more wholly edited edition!
I really cannot thank Kia enough for her hard work on the series. When it began back in 2005 I didn’t even read back over my own releases before posting them. By the time I reached The Argentum Project, I had a beta reader who pointed out the mistakes they found. Since then I’ve had several people skim for the errors they could find, and I’ve been very grateful to them all. I am similarly grateful to my other current editrix, aleksandra, even if her edited work has been largely confined to ROM/EMCSA releases.
Speaking of the EMCSA/ROM? I recently finished a series about a heroine going through a bovine transformation, but this weekend a new series begins with a tokusatsu twist on a recurring character! If you want to see all of it before anyone else, hop on over and support my patreon!
The biggest news from me for the moment is that I’m now fully vaccinated. It doesn’t kick in completely for another week, but as someone who has been very concerned about all of the nonlethal effects of things, this is a big deal for me.
After that?
My latest paperback release!
Ink Slick Preamble available now!
You can pick up the compiled e-book on Smashwords, and that gives you one easy way to read through Poetic License, Ballpoint to the Brain, Blotted Lace, Ink Blots, Sealed with a Kiss, Ink Bot, and Prequill all in one convenient file! If you want a paperback, or prefer the kindle store, you can pick up a copy on Amazon!
There’s a preorder available for the next story’s first volume, Ink Soaked Penumbra, and you can find that on Amazon or Smashwords!
So, that’s pretty exciting! The original series of Silver Girl is six books long now, though that’s hardly the end of the series… book six represents an important milestone: breaking past half way! There’s a lot more sexiness to come, so I hope you’ll join me!
So today is the last day of the Debased April sale, but for May I went a little differently…
Mothers’ Day
Three stories heavily featuring mothers (but not My Girlfriend’s Mom is a Hypnotist) are on sale for 25% off! Through June 3rd, the first Thursday of next month, you can pick up Strapped, Taming the MILF Next Door, and Traditions, all for 25% less than normal! This sale is only on Smashwords, and it’ll be over when next month gets a blogpost, so don’t miss out!
Strapped features a story of a stepmother who has something important to share with her stepdaughter, Taming the MILF Next Door has a precious young woman getting much closer to a very attractive woman, and Traditions has a young woman becoming a part of her mother’s family’s long held traditions.
All of these felt pretty appropriate to me for May, and I hope you enjoy them if you give this sale a look!
In a couple of weeks Ink Soaked Penumbra will release, and that story actually won an award! Way back when, the MC Community as I knew it on the fiction side of things was largely on one forum: the MC Forum. It’s changed a lot since then, but at the time it was under the leadership of JR Parz of Master PC fame. Some people wanted to start off a yearly awards program, to celebrate the most exciting releases of the year…
Some people reacted very poorly.
Between that and some of the very brazen heteronormativity of the MCF, that’s why I created the Argent Garden forum that would become the MC Garden later on.
Regardless, Ink Soaked Penumbra was voted the top FF story of 2007, which made me extremely excited. I don’t know if it’ll be the best story of 2021 on its rerelease, but I’ve done everything I can to make that the case!
That feels like a fair bit to talk about for the week, so that’s all for me! Take care of yourself and each other, and I hope you continue to enjoy!
Oh, before I go, while it seems the sale on Silver Eclipse has ended, my editrix has a post on the Silver Girl subreddit showing that two of the first three paperbacks are currently on sale! This isn’t something I can control, but if you want to grab a copy? Now is a good time!
The end of April is upon us! That’s not exactly exciting, but it does mean that we’re through 4 months of 2021, or a whole third of the way through the year. Doesn’t that feel just… impossible?
Well if it does to you, then we’re on the same page!
Today I’ll be getting my second vaccine shot, so that’ll finally be out of the way, too, which is great all around because the first one wasn’t that fun and while I’ll be down for the booster, I’ll be happy to have it behind me. 🙂
This year has just flown by so far, with so many releases that I’ve been excited to share for a while, and so many more to come… a woman can’t help but be a fair bit excited!
As a part of my own reading, as I mentioned before, I’ve been going back and going through some of Iago‘s old work. It’s really fascinating the way that they can so effectively make lesbianism into a cosmic horror? That’s basically the way I would describe their work, and I mean that in the most complimentary way that I possibly can. One won’t find the a lot of the traditional trappings of an mc story, but what they’ll find instead is a cosmic erotic horror of sorts, and it’s pretty great for that.
Various things have made me somewhat slow to get through much of it, but the five stories I’ve read through so far have this incredibly devious energy to them. From a Chain Letter morphing a woman’s comprehension of reality, to a reporter getting in over her head with a cult, to a twisted neurologist… Gosh, if you want to see a mind control story that is very uninterested in exploring “how” and just why and what.
Don’t forget you only have one last month to get in on the sale for Debased! It ends next week, and then the next sale will begin for May!
This week over on my Patreon the second half of “Why Buy the Cow When You Can Make Your Own?” will be available, and on ROM/the EMCSA, you’ll be getting to read Elven Mundanity, a followup to my story Elven Superiority.
There’s a lot of great writing still to come from me this year! On Tuesday the compilation Ink Slick Preamble drops! I’m so excited to have it on my shelf, and I hope at least some of you are, too!
To start things off, the penultimate section of the Ink Slick Preamble is available now! We look back towards Valerie Raine to see just what’s become of her… and what’s going to happen next.
Ink Bot – available now!
You can pick up a copy on Smashwords, or Amazon!
So we only have one last story left before the next novel begins… and that story? Want a peek at what it’ll be?
Preorder on Amazon, or add it to your list on Smashwords! (It makes no sense that Smash lacks real preorders, but I could rant about that for years)
As for other doctor-related shenanigans… I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine! It stung a bit, but as a woman terrified of needles it honestly wasn’t so bad. I’m not looking forward to the side effects that supposedly kick in tomorrow, but honestly? It’s nothing compared to the alternatives so I’m very happy to be part of the effort to keep as many people safe as possible.
My second dose is scheduled in another 21 days, and I am looking forward to it all being done with. This pandemic is NOT over, and it’s important for all of us to do our best to contribute to keeping things safe for people who are in risk groups and cannot take the vaccine.
There’s antivaxxers, and I don’t respect or support them, but some people genuinely have health complications that preclude the possibility of these vaccines. They aren’t being selfish. They don’t deserve to suffer. Please, for all of these people: get vaccines, mask up, and stay away from others as much as is possible.
I want all of us who can to get through this.
My Patreon side of things continues to move right along, too! Last week the end of up a story about a super heroine who fell under the control of a powerful villain breaking free was posted on ROM and the EMCSA, so you can check those out, and if you enjoy them? Support me on Patreon, where this week a story about another heroine in a particularly bad financial situation is going to have a bit of a fun time!
But that’s all for me for now! Take care of yourselves, each other, and I’ll post again next week!
We’re over halfway through March. Can you believe it? That’s just… kinda wild to me. We’re nearly a fourth through the year, and that means we still have 3/4ths more ahead of us!
Don’t forget that the Application of Control series is still on sale through the start of next month!
Application of Control – on sale now!
Save 25% off of these three stories! If you want to see if you’d enjoy the sort of content in those stories? My free story Compromises is available on Read Only Mind and the EMCSA if you want to take a peek!
Don’t forget that in general, I do have a Patreon that supports my “free” releases! I want to keep producing erotica that everyone can enjoy without needing to pay, but the only way I can justify that is if I can use that to pay for food! I feel freely accessible content of all varieties is important and good, so help me do that!
I don’t have a new ink story out this month, but there’s another coming soon on Tuesday! Sealed with a Kiss features Susan LaSilvas. It’s already available for pre-order on Amazon and added to your library on Smashwords.
No, I don’t know why they don’t do real pre-orders. It’s annoying to me, too!
More than just a few of you have probably noticed that Silver Girl has been my only epublishing release for awhile, and I imagine there’s been at least a moment or two of someone wondering why. Now, halfway through March, seemed a good time to address that!
The Adventures of Silver Girl is a long series. That much is obvious without a very long glance. There are so many individual stories, both short and long, so many characters, concepts… it’s a big thing! For awhile I’d been trying to space it out, to give a wider variety in my releases… but as of now I have a good 80 non Silver Girl releases, and there’s no unified way to read all of the Silver Girl series…
That felt like a problem to my editrix, who did me the favor of expressing it.
The original run of the series goes from The Adventures of Silver Girl to Red Moon Rising. There’s some more after that which is certainly important, but that’s where I’ve always considered the original run to start and stop. It’s expanding far beyond that now, but that’s where it all started. Getting out all of Silver Girl takes time, and effort, and I pushed myself as hard as I could to have things flowing as smoothly as I could from here through the end of the original run. I want there to be a smooth, easy way for people to read all of Silver Girl, and to complete the ambition that got me into e-publishing in the first place:
Having the whole series on my shelf!
Unless there’s issues with covers, or edits, or formatting, or something else unforeseen (these people have been great to work with and delays in these projects tend to come down to me!) the series should continue on until it concludes!
And I don’t want to spoil when that will be, or promise with how things that far out can have so many things come up… but I can say that it won’t be this year!
Originally the series was a good 23 stories long, with 145 chapters, and a total word count of 697,595–though some of those included split ellipses and other weird things. All of my writing on MCStories between November 2005 and November 2015 was roughly 1.5 million words.
The rewrites of Silver Girl are shaping up to surpass that length, admittedly with the help of additional new stories such as Dusty Origins, and the aforementioned extended stories.
Silver Girl has been an important part of my life since 2005, and I am so happy to bring her to yet more people in the years ahead.
Thank you for taking the journey with me, and I hope that until next time you all take good care of yourselves, and each other.
Additionally, in light of the rise of hate crimes against the Asian American population, I would like to take a moment to decry these disgusting, vile acts, and say that such is unacceptable. I may just be an erotica author, but all of us need to stand up against bigotry in all of its forms.
This week the third volume of the Ink Slick Preamble is available… Blotted Lace!
Where Poetic License set the stage, and Ballpoint to the Brain raises the stakes? Blotted lace starts to reveal the depth of just what’s happening, and just who might be responsible…
Blotted Lace, now available!
Available on either Smashwords, or Amazon, you can pick up a copy today!
My website has also received a fairly substantial update! There’s more art to come for awhile, too! This week, the special new piece of art is Jesse Colloten, and you can find it here!
My bio, FAQ, and links sections have all been updated. Step by step, I’m trying to pretty things up a bit, and bring it all up to date. Some links had been around since 2005, and unfortunately some of them didn’t work anymore. That’s just how it goes! I looked back at the links I had back in 2005 and was hilariously surprised by the way web links used to work.
I outright had a link to a lyrics website, to an ISP… and that wasn’t all that strange back in 2005! It’s so bizarre to imagine that.
Way back then I had no idea I’d ever be trying to e-publish my erotica. I used to think that was impossible due to the content. I’ve been incredibly thrilled to see that isn’t the case. The constant support from my fan base, and new readers, has been exceptionally thrilling and given me a lot of delight to continue writing more stories, reworking the old ones… it’s all great.
I don’t have a lot of exciting things to share beyond that, but I hope you’ll be excited to read the next Ink Slick Preamble… Ink Blots!
You can preorder it now on Amazon, or add it to your library on Smashwords. Smashwords doesn’t do preorders for some reason, and it’s… just… confusing to me. Oh well!
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! That means I’m all but legally-obligated to remind you that until March 4th? My Romancing Roses series is on sale for 50% off on Smashwords!
Long time friends to lovers? Polyamory? Healing and finding love? There’s a story for you! Check it out here:
Romancing Roses – 50% off!
But that’s not the only thing I have to talk about! It’s been two weeks, so you know what that means!
Ballpoint to the Brain, available now!
Out on both Smashwords and Amazon? Ballpoint to the Brain, part two of the Ink Slick Preamble, are available now! It’s got some consensual hypnosis, and a new villain to challenge our heroines! If you enjoyed Poetic License you’ll enjoy this as it takes us ever deeper into the ink…
Over on ROM and the EMCSA I recently finished the Inner Daemon series if you’re excited for more superhero shenanigans! It’s about a heroine who relies a lot on her AI… and if that sounds fun, I think you’ll enjoy it! My Patreon has been exploring a new series, Lightstorm in a Bottle, and if you’d like to see that? Check out My Patreon here!
There’s a lot of great stuff going on from me, and I intend to keep making that be the case 🙂
I’ve been fairly busy so I don’t have the most other than that to say, besides, well… My birthday is coming up! That means more art coming up soon!
Drop by my website to see some new art of Olivia, and more is to come! I turn 34 on the 19th! I feel like I should do something special to celebrate, but with so far…? Nothing exciting has been coming to mind.
For now, that’s really all I can think of to say!
OH! Another writer shares my birthday! Skaetlett. They awesome, and worth giving a glance for sure! Intelligence play? Mean businessladies? Good stuff.
You may have heard… and if not, you’re hearing now… but the first in my newest Silver Girl series, Ink Slick Preamble, is now available!
Poetic License
Poetic License, a fun little term to retool for a story, is now available on both Smashwordsand Amazon!
This is a fun little story that follows quite close behind The Argentum Project in terms of continuity. While The Adventures of Silver Girl and Silver Eclipse had a bit of a gap, this is closer o the one between Silver Eclipse and The Memory Remains… if not precisely the same. We’re going to see new sides to familiar characters, as well as introduce some fun new ones…
A series of corruption, lust, desire, and possibly even romance along with slick, dripping-with-sin erotic mind control!
The seven stories of this preamble are the setup for my award winning novel from 2007, now made sexier, more intense, more erotic, and naturally longer than it was when it won that award. If you want to see why I call myself an award winning author? This is what leads up to that point!
People newer to the series would be best advised staring at another point, such as Nocturnal Interlude (also on Smash or Amazon) or the original, The Adventures of Silver Girl (on Smash or Amazon!) but regardless, this is a series I’ve been eager to redebut for a long time, so I hope you all enjoy…!
Over on another angle, while ROM and the EMCSA this week will be getting a fun new series, Inner Daemon (which you can already read on my Patreon!) Patreon will be getting a glimpse of a new heroine in Midas City, well… new to the written word. She’s experienced, but is she ready for what’s to come? The first part of Lightstorm in a Bottle hits on Friday! Don’t miss out!
But that’s all I have to tease you with this week. There’s SO much on the horizon… 2021 may not have solved the problems of 2020? But it’s starting off with some fun, sexy new things from me!