I’m away from home for the moment, having the loveliest time with family and friends, but you still get a weekly blog post from me!
Next week, To Serve and Obey volume 1 drops and I am so excited. It’s the start of a story I simply adore and I think you will, too. To preorder today you can nab a copy here on kindle, or here on smashwords!
I’ll keep this short this week, because well, I’m away from home, and busy, but this weekend on Patreon my $10 subscribers are getting to read a new fetishy tale focused on a pair of sisters and corruption, while my $5 subs get to read part 5 of Figura’s tale! To find out more, head on over to my Patreon!
So, what else is there to say?
Be good to yourselves, each other, and I hope you’re all spending this holiday in a way that will make you the happiest.
For a bit now I’ve been releasing pieces of Book 8, but now they’re all released… and so is their compilation!
In one book you can get Flash Friction: the a story of Valerie and Olivia trying to become closer friends, In over Her Head: the story of a heroine Dragout looking for evidence of a conspiracy in Midas City, Obedience over Matter: a story about the heroine Monica Fourier who doesn’t like to make a big deal about herself but now no longer has a choice, Silver Gray Starlight: Silver Girl on patrol once more trying to end the machinations of a once very dear friend, and Pink Candy: the return of everyone’s favorite sugar fiend.
You can pre-order the start of the next book, To Serve and Obey, on Amazon right here. It’s also up on Smashwords!
Can you believe this month is half over already? Over half over, actually. It seems unreal to me that such thing would be the case, but, well… it is! Nothing anyone can do about it but look forward to the remains of the year. Obviously since I only moved in September everything is still “my first x in Boston” when it comes to these last couple of months in the year, but I really do love it here.
It’s such a nice place, though I will never stop giggling at the local accent.
Still, there is some exciting news for everyone who loves my writing: I now have a CPAP machine! I sleep better, I wake up faster, and I have more energy! I predict that in no time, as I adapt to this (and get a mask that actually fits!) I should be doing amazingly.
That’s pretty good for everyone, if you ask me.
This week on Patreon, Chapters 7 and 8 will drop for all of my $5 patrons. For all of my $10 patrons… you get to see the way the story ends! If you want to see it sooner, it’s going to release tomorrow at noon. Drop $10 my way, and you get it in epub, mobi, and pdf formats! Download and enjoy. No DRM included!
And if you back my Patreon at ANY amount? You get to see the other blog post I’m going to write after this one! I’ll try to remember to edit the link in here. Edit: My patron-only post for the week is here!
Before I go, If you would like to chat with myself and other fans of my work, join the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord! And if you want to chat with other fetishists with broader interests? I operate the Mind Control Literature discord, and you can join us here on discord!
I’m off to get to work crafting more sexy works for all of you, so in the meantime?
On Tuesday, the compiled To Patrol and Control will be available everywhere! Well, everywhere, or at least everywhere I sell my books! That means if you want to preorder the ebook on Amazon, you can do so here. If you want to add it to your library on Smashwords? You can do so here!
It’ll be out in paperback, too! I press “go” on late Saturday/early Sunday, and when it goes live is up to mystical forces out of my control.
That, or Amazon’s review processes.
It’ll be at the same Amazon link. I’m looking forward to having it on the shelf next to the previous seven. Can you believe this is the eighth Silver Girl book? We’ve come so far, and I’d like to thank all of you for your support along the way! Every sale, every comment, all of it means a great deal.
Anyone following my Twitter lately is probably familiar with my recent sleep woes. I’ve had bad sleep off and on for a long time, but I didn’t realize quite how bad it really was until I talked to a person at CVS about a home apnea testing kit. Well, last night was my first of two nights and I can tell you one thing definitively:
I hate that test.
So that’s where I’m at right now, but I can make a recommendation this week before I get to what’s coming to Patreon! Back in 2005, a friend shared a Depeche Mode cover by a band I’d never heard of before–Hungry Lucy. Ever since it’s been one of the tranciest songs I’ve ever heard. Finally, after 16 years, I listened to the rest of the album.
Apparitions is a great time, and you can listen to it all on Bandcamp here, for free! It’s on Spotify, too but if you don’t have a pro membership you’ll be suffering through whatever random order it decides to place the tracks. Hearing Ode too early on would kinda defeat the purpose entirely. I especially recommend Blue Dress, Bound in Blood (either version) and Stretch (similarly either version!)
That’s me for the moment, but what’s coming from me on Patreon?
My $5 tier is getting part 3 of The Adventures of Figura, while my $10 tier is getting the penultimate section!
Next year, I’m strongly debating making it so the early preview tier is only a week ahead instead of two. So if you wanna get two weeks ahead, now is the time to jump on that!
Check out my Patreon to find out more, but regardless of what else you do until next week?
I hope that you’re all doing quite well. It’s Thursday, and that means more blogging! To start, my latest release! Pink Candy, the final tale of To Patrol and Control, is now available!
And in another couple weeks, To Patrol and Control, the compilation, will be released! If you’d like to preorder the ebook (as always, a paperback will be coming on the same day, but Amazon doesn’t let you preorder those for… some… reason… but it will use the same link) then you can do so here on Amazon! If you want to add the compiled ebook to your Smashwords library, you may do so here!
TPAC is the 8th in the original 10 stories that comprise The Adventures of Silver Girl. In retrospect, having the first remain “The Adventures of Silver Girl” isn’t doing me the most favors. At least Star Wars Episode IV gets to be called “A New Hope”, right?
But a couple weeks after TPAC’s compilation drops, a new story will begin to release… but you’ll need to wait and see more as we get closer!
For the moment, I’d like to highlight some great stories I’ve read recently.
Modren‘s Whiteout was a great story, and another tale in the same universe by the same writer? That’s practically guaranteed to be gold. Dating the Enemy, commissioned by my editrix of all people, is a solid story. If the idea of a heroine going on a date with one of her villains strikes you as a fun setup for a cute MC story, then you owe it to yourself to read this one!
Kallie is hardly a stranger to… anyone who reads my work at this point, I daresay. I’m pretty sure her reach has extended beyond mine… but her writing deserves notice! Two of her recent tales, Succubimb and Shackles are absolutely amazing so far. Succubimb is a fun tale about a nerd wanting to summon her perfect bimbo. Shackles is about a woman getting a bit in over her head with a very overzealous heroine. That’s how I’d sum it up so far, though.
Finally, CactusJuggler is one of the best writers on the archive for dark, twisted, naughty smut that’s just crude and crass and wrong. Catch More Flies continues this trend, and I heavily recommend it. This hits so many fun kinds of twisted, naughty heat, and if I didn’t recommend it I’d be doing you all a disservice.
So with that said, what else am I up to?
Well to find out what I’m writing actively you’ll want to head over to Patreon and et in on my weekly blogs there, but also a hint: UMKP.
This weekend, my $5 patrons will be getting the second section of Figura’s tale, To Change the World, Change Yourself. My $10 patrons, on the other hand, will be receiving the chunk just past half way, chapters 7 and 8. If you’re enjoying the story and want more of it, faster? It’s just a quick Patreon subscription away!
I’m never upset if anyone dips in, then drops back out.
If you’d like to join myself and chat with other fans of my work, stop by Madam Kistulot’s Domain the Discord server! I’m pretty active there. If that’s not your style, then I’m also on Twitter here.
Until next week, please take care of yourselves… and each other!
It really is a shame I didn’t plan things better. Pink is finally making her return on Tuesday, and here I am, realizing that means she misses a holiday that both Pink and Dust can celebrate.
What a missed opportunity!
Regardless, Pink Candy is dropping on Tuesday! If you want to pre-order a copy on Amazon you can do so here! If you want to add it to your library on Smashwords, you can do so here!
So what else is new with me? Over on my Patreon, something exciting is coming! Namely, a new story entitled The Adventures of Figura: To Change The World, Change Yourself! It is in full 12 chapters long, and a bit over 30k. It’s about a heroine getting in over her head, and features orgasm denial, hypnotic brainwashing, triggers, and more!
If you enjoyed The Adventures of Silver Girl, then you should enjoy this!
You can read a lot of it right now over at the $10 Tier, or get ebook variants of the first two chapters–with the fun starting already–for $5. You can check out more here!
Every week on Patreon I also talk about what I’m writing! It’s a peek no one else gets, so if that sounds fun…!
Don’t forget Callidus released his first ebook/paperback! Nab it for yourself! It’s a great story you’re sure to enjoy if you like my work. Heck… it’s been awhile–buy Modren‘s Whiteout, too!
What else is there to say for now? Take care of yourselves, each other, and I’ll be here same Kistu-website, same Kistu-time… roughly!
Oh, and everyone here is recovering! Thanks to everyone who sent positivity for our recent medical troubles.
The latest in the Silver Girl series, Silver Gray Starlight, is now available! The penultimate section of To Patrol and Control, this story features the return of a fan favorite face we haven’t seen since The Argent Road…
Silver Gray Starlight is now available!
Pick up your copy on Smashwords or Amazon today, and you’ll get to enjoy this gritty tale of mind control, sapphic lust, and heroism!
In another two weeks the final volume will drop, and it’s one you’re sure to remember.
If you’d like to see the cover now and see just what’s in store check it out on Amazon for pre-order, or add it to your library on Smashwords!
So that’s the new releases, why the long week?
Everyone in my apartment (myself included) has been dealing with Strep Throat! Constant coughing, wincing from sore throats, and a lot of people losing their voices. I’ve bee very busy trying to pick up the slack and make things easier for everyone, which is why this blog is so late.
But I’m not missing a week if I can help it, especially not a release week… it’s just a tiny bit late!
But it hasn’t just been a long week for me! Callidus, my partner in crime over on The Black Room podcast has a book available for you to buy with stuff you can’t read on MCStories or ROM! You can support their first major release, Compliance and Acquisition, while also getting to see deleted scenes!
But I have more writing to do, so I’m going to cut this short.
Other things to note?
On my Patreon, my $5 supporters are getting part two of En Pointe, a tale of corruption and lust. My $10 supporters got to see that two weeks ago… and this week they’re seeing the second part of my latest super heroine romp, “The Adventures of Figura: To Change The World, Change Yourself” which is in many ways similar in feel to The Adventures of Silver Girl–and even takes place in the same world!
Support me there if you want more smut every week in mobi, epub, and pdf formats!
But for now, that’s me! Until next time, take care of yourselves… and each other!
It’s under a week until my next story, Silver Gray Starlight! I’m so excited for it to hit the virtual stands, and for all of you to get a glance. It’s the return of a fan favorite character, and I imagine you’ll all be very happy to see her.
To check out the synopsis and look into pre-ordering, you can head on over to Amazon, or Smashwords!
Also, if you didn’t see Eshie’s amazing art of Aureus and Patina, you should really check out the latest art over on my webpage! To see it all in a gallery, you can click here, or you can click here to see the updates which makes it easier to see what was added when!
Also, I’m not the only one with exciting release news!
Head on over to Callidus’s blog and you’ll get to see that they’ve got something coming soon, too… but don’t let me spoil it! Check it out, and get excited now!
People who subscribe to my Patreon for $5 or more get to read the first part of En Pointe this weekend! It’s a story of corruption, a story of clothing fetishry, and it’s outright delicious. People subscribing at the $10 tier already were able to read En Pointe, and this week they’ll be getting the first part of a new story about a super heroine who wants to make the world a better place, and may just need to struggle to hold on to her self along the way…!
All patrons get to read a weekly blog that’s only for Patreon talking explicitly about what I’ve been writing. It gets you a closer, more intimate connection here with me.
This week was part three of To Patrol and Control, the latest sub-series in the larger Silver Girl saga. There are still more on the horizon, but for now…
Obedience over Matter is out now!
You an pick up a copy of Obedience over Matter on Smashwords, or Amazon!
Additionally, part four, Silver Gray Starlight, is available for preorder on Amazon, and to add to your library on Smashwords. I still don’t understand why Smash doesn’t let you preorder, but I can confirm they’re good with email alerts, so if you want to keep up to date on Smash? Follow my profile! You’ll always be alerted right away. Amazon has similar, but it’s really bad at letting you know!
So, Obedience over Matter, huh? Obviously, the title comes from the expression Mind over Matter, but when someone’s mind is gone, well.. what’s left there?
In this case, you can imagine.
I think you’ll enjoy this, and what’s to come!
You’ll learn more about Silver Gray Starlight in another week~
As for now, I look forward to seeing more response to OoM. The first few responses have all been amazing, so it’s pretty great at the moment!
This weekend, on my Patreon my $5 patrons get to read Lighting the Way Down in epub formats, and my 10$ and up patrons get to read the second section of En Pointe, a very fun section!
I’m finally really catching my breath here, and it’s pretty great to settle in and enjoy my desk and my computer setup! Lots of time to write, revise, edit, and format for all of you to enjoy!
This is my first blog post utilizing my new desk! I’m very happy about my new setup, and I expect it will help me get a lot of very productive things going in short order. That always makes me pretty happy.
Next week we’ll be seeing part 3 of To Patrol and Control drop, and that will be pretty great! It’s the first of the original stories from this part of the Silver Girl series, and I’m looking forward to that as I hope you are, too!
If you want to pre-order it on Amazon you can do so here, or add it to your library on Smashwords here!
While I finally have a desk and not a table (that’s also used for card games and meals!) I’m still settling in. Time is blurred, but it’s less a matter of the exact time, and more a lot of things coming up.
But don’t you worry, I have plenty of good smut coming your way!
In addition to next week’s Obedience over Matter, this weekend everyone on ROM or the EMCSA will get the finale of the Sex Ninjas. For people subscribed to the $10 tier or higher on my Patreon? You get a fun, sexy new story of corruption, naughtiness, and clothing fetishry. You can check out my Patreon here!
I have a lot more in store, and you’re all going to absolutely love what I have in mind!
But for now? Take care of yourselves, and each other.
Out this week is the second new tale in the Silver Girl series for some time, and the second part of To Patrol and Control!
In Over her Head available now!
You can pick up a copy on Smashwords, or on Amazon and see a little more of things to come!
If you’d like to be prepared for part three of the series, you can preorder it on Amazon, or add it to your library on Smashwords!
While it would be really nice to have a kitchen that wasn’t being worked on every weekday, I am settling in to my New England lifestyle! I even procured a new rotating monitor, so I can work on stories in portrait mode! You’d be surprised what a difference that makes. It really makes things feel… properly designed for working on text documents? I can’t wait to use it more for that purpose.
I recently nabbed up the A. Regina Cantatis stories I didn’t own, and Dark Spaces: An Anthology comes highly recommended. When she went by thrall on the archive her work was great. Love in a Silver Socket is worth it alone. The story I read from the bunch while in an airplane was What Happens in Decon, which I think you’ll enjoy if you enjoy my work. It’s sincerely a steal to get so many great stories for so cheap.
This weekend Patreon, ROM, and the EMCSA are all getting more sex ninjas. It’s a a longer story, and My Patreon Supporters at the $10+ mark alreeady have the lot of it.. So this month they’ll be getting Lighting the Way Down,a story about a sexy mermaid being lured by something bright, shining… and mesmerizing. That’ll be another two weeks before everyone else gets to see it. Jealous? You should be! Any and all support is naturally appreciated, but you get more, sooner, if you fork out the dough!
If you’d like to chat with me, or other fans of my work, you are always welcome to the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord! We’d all be happy to have you!
That’s me for this week! Until next time, take care of yourselves… and each other!