This week is not a great week for me. It’s just not.
I’ve been having ongoing health problems from the start of the year, and I was anxious about pursuing ongoing treatment. At this point, I’ve had a CT scan, and the results didn’t particularly thrill me, and annoyingly at this point… it’s a waiting game for another appointment to find out more.
I don’t like to talk about my health very much publicly, or most private issues, but I will be talking about it over on my Patreon where I’ll be writing next.
I figure if someone is paying me, they want to hear a bit more.
So while my work continues to be released…
Pain can really get in the way of being creative. Don’t wait if you don’t need to. Pursue your health, mental, physical, and any other kind you believe in. It’s really all you’ve got, in the end.
I’ve been a bit flakey lately, and I’d like to apologize for that. Some health issues came up, and I don’t want to get too into it here, but let’s just say that I’m hoping that I’ve found some ways to sort that out.
But I do still have exciting news!
Chronos Origins’s original release, Dusty Origins, is now available with a new cover by Rinku, and better editing!
It may only be one more time for the year, but there will be more in the future if I have anything to say about it!
And while next week you’ll be able to grab a copy of Lady Lapis’s Volume 0 on Amazon, you can already grab it on Smashwords right here!
For other exciting announcements?
Tender Loving Control’s finale will release on Friday for my $5 patrons! My $10 patrons get to have a look at a new story about some very special “Vitamins”, and my $15+ patrons get to read the first in a multipart story “Trained to Perfection” that I’m sure you’ll all enjoy.
I’ve got a lot of exciting writing to work on, and I’m sure it’s all something you’ll end up enjoying… so until next time?
Since December 2020, all of my stories have been sequels or otherwise parts of existing series! This story started out like that too, actually… or well, I was going to write a sequel, but if you want to know more? I’ll talk about it today in my Patreon exclusive blog post! It was also discussed in brief over on my discord server, which you can join here!
If you’ve been reading my work over on the EMCSA or ROM and you want the conclusion of TLC before anyone else?
They’re getting the conclusion on the 6th–at the 15$ level, anyway! And if you want more stories like this, it would be pretty important, because at the moment it seems like releasing a big story sequentially instead of interspersing it is just not a good idea… so if you want this format to ever repeat, feedback and financial support is helpful for that!
But for now, that’s what I’m up to this week here!
Have a good rest of your 2022, and may your 2023 be full of everything that brings you joy.
Until next time… take care of yourselves, and each other!
Last Friday I was starting my vacation after a long writing project… and I dislocated my knee, causing very heavy damage. I’m walking now with the aid of crutches, and I have referrals for orthopedics to take a look at just what’s wrong.
That’s not the most exciting news from a porn blog, but it means that I’m going to be injured for awhile… but thankfully, I’m able to handle that pretty well by now!
But I like getting sympathy, and empathy. Frankly, I deal with mobility impairment even when it isn’t bad enough for anyone to care and it is immensely stressful. Please, be conscious of how hard it is for some people to complete basic tasks, be it moving, or lifting, or… anything.
The most basic stuff is amazingly hard.
But you know what isn’t hard?
Keeping up with my latest releases.
If you want to know what’s coming next? I have two main sources–which next month, will be getting even easier. If you want to know my latest ebook release? is where you want to go! If you want to know what’s coming to ROM/the EMCSA? My Patreon is a great place to get those stories early!
And this week, on Patreon?
My $15 Enablers get to read the final chapters of Rivaled Methodologies, a new sexy cyberpunk story about a very beautiful pair of women being forced to see who can come out on to. My $10 tier gets the second set… and my $5 tier gets to read the first two chapters! This series is going to be very hot so you wont want to miss out!
And after this blog goes live? I’ll be writing a post for Patreon… and you’ll get to see what I’ve been up to.
I might be a bit quiet at the moment due to being down in Florida? But I’m very happy to be available to my fans in my Discord Server, and you should join if you’d like to chat!
Coming up soon on Tuesday, Red Moon Rising Volume 4: Oil and Entitlement on both Amazon and Smashwords! Don’t miss out!
Every new volume of Red Moon Rising has a lot of very fun, very sexy things for you to enjoy. I don’t want to spoil too much here, or anything really, but the deeper we go into RMR, the more we see of the most enigmatic of Sarah’s foes–the Nesatealia themselves.
This is a really sexy story, in my not so humble opinion, so I hope that you enjoy!
But as usual, that’s not my only new piece of writing coming out this week! From Patreonwe have some really hot new stuff! This week’s $5 story is the first part of The Cat That Got the Cream! As mentioned before, this story is about a mature, experienced heroine who is just so overworked, so exhausted, who really could do with some time off, with a break…
And she’ll be getting some help!
The $10 tiergets the second two chapters, and the $15 tier gets to see how it ends! So if you want to read the whole thing this week? Drop a good fifteen bucks, and you will!
After this post I’ll be typing up a post for my weekly Patreon blog, too, so join up for sure if you want to see what I’ve been writing lately!
Also, I recently commissioned a comic and you can find out more over on my website! The art section, or the updates section will have all you could need.
Also, have I mentioned Creirwy yet? They’ve been a friend of mine for awhile–longtime fan of my writing too–and they’re the first writer in the MCSphere that really gave me the feeling of someone inspired by my style in that way where I feel like you can really see it. Other big name authors like Callie have read plenty of my stuff, but their styles feel far divergent.
Creirwymay not write exactly like me (no one can!) but I think if you like my work, you owe it to yourself to check out theirs.
Comment, snap, etc!
So, what else do I have to say? I think for now I’ll just leave off on a reminder that I have a Discord server. I’m active there, and if you want to join in and chat with myself and other fans of my writing? Stop by!
I hope that you’re all doing well! it’s February, and that means it’s my birthday soon! It’s also the birthday of one of my editrixes soon, so you should all wish her a very happy birthday in advance–she’ll be one whole year older before my next blog post!
This is also the month of Valentines, so might I make a recommendation for some of my more romantic stories to savor?
Halloween might have been over in October (or January, if you’re a Bojack Horseman fan) but I have Possession, a ghost romance that’s sure to give you the good chills.
Lastly, it’s a story written for Yule, but Gift of the Sorceress is a classic in my catalog for a reason. Is there still conflict and drama? Oh yes. There’s just a lot of sweet, cutesy romance so if you’re in the mood for snugging up in sweaters? This may still hit the spot.
That’s my recommendations for things to keep you busy while you wait for next Tuesday and the release of the final volume of To Serve and Obey! By the way, if you want to be amongst the first to get your hands on Volume 6: Consensuality and Consequences? You can add it to your library on Smashwords, or preorder on Amazon!
But that’s not all that’s up my sleeve, either!
Tomorrow, my $5 patrons get to read Part 2 of my latest exciting spy story! $10 patrons get to see the conclusion… and my $15 patrons get to see a story of a mind control erotica authoress returning home for a very lovely reunion. If any of that sounds fun, and you’d like to read my patron-only weekly blog posts?
The penultimate volume of To Serve and Obey is now available!
To Serve and Obey Volume 5: Ninjas and Nipples available now!
This section has a scene that my editrix considers the best scene in the entirety of To Serve and Obey, and a contender for the best in the series… so you won’t want to miss out on this!
So with that out of the way, goodness, we’re already almost 1/12th of the way through the year! Can you believe it? February! That’s the month with my birthday in it, too, so I’m understandably pretty excited.
Which if you haven’t seen it yet, I decided to have some fun and make a silly little wish list on Amazon. If you’re crunched for cash right now, or don’t want to grab anything? Do not feel bad or worry about it AT ALL! This was just something I wanted to do for fun, and I don’t want anyone to worry about it.
Read my work as it releases on ROM and the EMCSA. Fan mail is even better, for anything I write!
I’ve been busy at work getting the last little things I need ready for the novel following To Serve and Obey, and I think you’re all really going to enjoy it! It was a favorite of a lot of people when I released the original version back in 2007, and the rewrite is so much better.
I’m really excited for all of you to see it!
Last weekend Facetized released over on ROM and the EMCSA thanks to my Patreon backers. As for this week? My $5 patrons get to read the first part of the sequel to Undercover: The Interrogation of Shauna Larson (ROM/EMCSA). Amusingly, I actually wrote this sequel’s outline first, but realized it would work better as the first release.
$10 patrons read part 1 a week ago, and 15$ patrons read it two! For $15 you’ll get to read the whole thing this Friday! Pretty great, huh?
To find out more, check out my Patreon here and read the weekly exclusive blog post about what I’m up to professionally!
It’s not too weird to get snow over here in Boston, but waking up with so much snow but clean streets? That’s something I’m not used to at all! Portland would get snow occasionally, but it would stay there. At best you’d have it worn down by other cars.
Living in a place actually ready for snow is pretty nice.
I hope you’re all getting your vaccines/boosters if eligible. This time of year getting a flu shot isn’t a bad idea, either. I got one myself on Friday. It wasn’t pleasant (especially since I was already at the doctor to lose blood, so that meant two needles for different reasons) but it’s important we all do our part to keep infections down!
Some of the winter holidays are already here, some are yet to come, and the new year continues to approach. If you haven’t read it yet, might I recommend one of my stories you can find on Smashwords and Amazon? Namely..
Gift of the Sorceress, from the Tomes of Modern Magic series!
Gift of the Sorceress is a very important story for me. It was the first I wrote in the Modern Magic series, inspired by the idea of a magical woman revealing herself to a modern neopagan–the kind I was back when I was a teenager. No offense to anyone who still is, it’s a perfectly valid path.
To Serve and Obey will continue next week, but in the meantime my $10 patrons already have a sneak peek at this year’s holiday story from me. It would normally be Friday, but I made a little mistake last week. My $5 patrons are going to enjoy a story that’s a followup to Lifted Up to Surrender, staring a pair of sisters who move in to a new apartment and get much more than they bargained for. To show your support, check out my Patreon!